Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

Sleepy Rayle

Yeah, so Rayle didn't make it through dinner tonight, guess we should have put him down for a nap. Please excuse the stupid commercials in the background, although it kind of adds to the video. LOL


Okay so here is my first Favorite Foto Friday picture. We were at Universal Studios last summer and I had to have this picture of Teagan. It is so cute

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thanks Allie!

Okay so I love this Blog thing and wanted something different. So where better to start then Allison Brown's layouts. She does a wonderful job, and is very talented. I wish I could figure out how to create something so beautiful. Thanks for taking the time to make wonderful layouts for the rest of us non- scrappy chicks!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Helping in the Kitchen

So I love to be in the kitchen (most of the time) and I really feel that my boys should know a thing or two about cooking. I want them to be great husbands and make up special dinners for their wives someday. Any way Teagan, I think is a little OCD, he hates to be dirty. So what better way to get over his issue than to make some Indian Fried Bread. We went camping a few weeks back and he remembered that I told him it was okay to be dirty. So when we were working with the dough he brought that up. It is funny that a little boy is concerned with getting dirty. Rayle I don't think even notices. He could stay dirty forever and not care. He probably is going to be one of those "stinky" boys that the teacher will have to write home about. Anyways the boys did a wonderful job. And a huge plus Teagan ate the entire Fried Bread. If you know Teagan, he is a lot like me and very picky! This meal is my all time favorite so I am glad he liked it. Before when I have made it he has only eaten the outside around the beans and cheese. He asked, "Mommy have we had this before?" I said, "yes and you liked it." (not really but if I tell him that good luck trying to get him to try it.) "When did I have it?" Teagan asked. "Oh we had it a few months ago." "Oh when I was 3 Mommy?" Yep when you were three. He is so funny about age now. He can't wait to start school. He tells me all the time when I am 5 that's when I get to go to school. Yes I only have one more year. I don't know how I will ever be able to handle that. So dinner was a success and the boys did great. Teagan helped and Rayle made a mess. But hey I make a mess every time I make the meal too. Note to self: when little boys are helping, put away each ingredient after each use or extras will be added, also only have one ingredient on the table because it will get crazy. Also leftover Fried Bread make great mini pizzas. I used them instead of pita bread for a pesto pizza recipe from a Pampered Chef recipe tonight. So good!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Aaahhhh why I hate Mosquitoes!

So yesterday the boys were outside in the wind playing while I was grilling up some dinner. Brian said oh their fine the wind is blowing they will not get bit. And here is what poor Teagan looks like today. The entire right side of his eye brow is swollen. Poor kid! Of course we were calling him Igor or Tegor (Brian was calling him this). I hope the swelling goes down soon. I hate those dumb little bugs.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Who's Got Talent?

All the Children that preformed for the Talent Show!
The Boys all eating lunch.

A Class preforming.
A Class preforming.

A Class preforming.
A Class preforming.
Michael playing the piano
The Niu brothers singing.
Josh playing the piano.

Hayden was going to sing, but got a little shy.
Hellmann girls singing.
Teagan telling his joke, and then showing us how to turn into UpGrade.
Sy and his grandma preformed a puppet show.
Amanda showing us how to make cookies, they were good!

Savannah being are MC.
Peterson girls singing.
Carolina playing the piano.
Savannah showing us her artistic skills.
Teagan before the show began.
We had a wonderful time watching all the talented children in our Ward. It was really fun. Teagan was such a ham. I videoed him and will add the clip soon. It was really fun and there was a great turn out. After we had hot dogs, chips, grapes, cookies, and Popsicles. Thanks to everyone that came and made it wonderful!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Family Time

Last week we had some family come into town. I had not had a chance to post so here it is. Thanks for visiting us, it was FUN!!

Brian's Grandma Betty came down from Washington to spend a few days with her grandkids. She came a stayed at our house for a night and brought the cousins. Here they all are eating lunch.
Here is G. Betty with her two great-grandchildren!
(best in the world)

Here are the boys all together.Teagan and Shane boxing on the Wii.

I swear the remotes almost went flying through our TV.Brian and Shane boxing, it was too funny. I was cracking up!!More of Brian and Shane boxing!

I had two cousins come from FL for a few days too. Here is a picture of us before dinner. I love having such a wonderful family!

Camping Trip Round 2

So we went camping again this weekend. We went to Mt. Lemon with our church and had a good time. Here are some pictures from the trip.
Here we are. What a wonderful family picture!
Teagan on top of the rocks.Rayle sitting on the log bridge crossing the creek.
Rayle sitting on a rock!
Rayle and Mommy!
My climbing boys!!!
All my sweet boys!!
I found this walking stick perfect size for Teagan.

He told me, "Mommy, take a picture of me, I am Yoda." I found this great rock. The rain water has made the shape of a heart on it. It is so cool!
Teagan and Rayle on the way home eating Cheetos and watching movies.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bowling with Teagan

On Monday, we took Teagan bowling for the first time. He had so much fun. After we were done he wanted to bowl again but we had to go. We went and got Rayle from my Grandma's and he said that after we got Rayle we could go back. Of course we needed to get home so we will have to go again. It was a great time.

Teagan posing (I have no idea)
Daddy helping Teagan bowl
Teagan had two balls never make it to the pins so we got the stand to help
Teagan got 80 points. Great job for a first time bowler.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Woods Canyon Lake Cont'd

Here's the 2nd half of our posting. We sure did take a lot of pics too many to post. We all had a great time thanks for such a Great Weekend.