Monday, October 19, 2009

Video of Ashlyn

Here is a video of Ashlyn for all of you that have not seen her. She is a WONDERFUL baby. She nurses well and is practically sleeping through the night at just 7 weeks old. I am so excited to have a girl. I am loving this girlie thing and love being a mommy to three great kids!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Getting Out

Teagan had a few days off for school this week. Not an October break, but just Thursday and Friday. Weird I know but the rest of the break is over Thanksgiving week. We decided to go to the museum and see the dinosaurs. The boys love this museum. It was the Southwest Museum, but now it is the Arizona Museum of Natural History or something like that. We have not been in awhile. Like Rayle was not this mobile. Let's just say I did not really get to enjoy the visit. I was running and chasing him around. We plan to go back when Brian and I can actually enjoy reading the info, so some time when Rayle is in school. ;0) We did have a good time, and more importantly the boys had a good time. Ashlyn slept the entire visit. :0)
Boys panning for big gold strikes.
Rayle and Brian on the movie screen.
Teagan and me on the movie screen.
Ashlyn sleeping on our museum visit.
The boys putting a puzzle of a dinosaur together.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Zoo Trip

Today we went to the zoo. The weather has been so nice so we decided earlier this week that we would go on Saturday. Now that Teagan is in school we can't really go during the week. He gets mad when we do things without him. :0( So today was Ashlyn's first zoo trip...she really enjoyed the trip!
The boys love going to the zoo. I am thankful that we are able to go so often with a membership and that the boys do not get tired of going and seeing the same animals. I can't wait until Ashlyn is older and she will get to see and enjoy the animals as well. Rayle is going for a field trip at the end of the month and we plan on going too. Can't wait to go again and walk the zoo. A plus is that you get to see all the animals and get a good hike out of it. The Phoenix Zoo is huge and with all the hills, pushing a stroller can be a workout!
I seriously take pictures like this every time we go to the zoo, but I think it is so funny how obsessed Teagan gets about the maps. He has been like this since he was very little. If the map rips he has a melt down. Today we had to find a replacement. )0:
Today even Rayle got into reading the map and telling us where we needed to go next.
I love my Daddy!Yum, snow cones. They were calling them snow frosty's.I had a great time at the zoo!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ashlyn's 1st Photo Shoot

When Ashlyn was 3 weeks old we had some photos taken of her. She was so good and Heidi did an AMAZING JOB.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Up Lately

I need to post more! I guess having three kids is hard work, and there is just not enough time to post. I would not trade them for the world though. Ashlyn is now almost 6 weeks old. At her 1 month visit she weighed in at 9lbs 4oz. almost a 2lb gain and she had grown 2 1/4 inches. I can't believe how big she is getting so quickly. Soon she will pass up my skinny minnie boys! A few weekends ago we got the chance to go up towards Globe and stay in a cabin with some friends. It was nice to get out of the heat. Then when we got home it started cooling off and the weather has just been lovely. It is so nice to have the door open in the mornings and enjoy the fresh air. Teagan has been loving school and he is doing well. Rayle loves preschool and his teacher. He has learned SO much in such a short time, it seriously amazes me. Ashlyn is cooing and smiling and is just as cute as can be. It is so fun having a little girl. My friend Diana showed me how to make headbands and flower clips for her. I have made 3 and plan on making a bunch. With the weather so nice we can't wait to get to the zoo again. Here are some pictures because I know that is what most people want instead of words;0)
Teagan and I finishing our walk of 2 miles round trip. Both boys did really good.
We found blackberries on our hike.
Diana having fun on the quad.
Scott, Spencer, Ashley, and Tyler having fun on the quad.
Brian and the boys. Teagan and Rayle on a swing at the cabin. Teagan posing for pictures. Teagan and Rayle in the tree at the cabin. Brian and Ashlyn enjoying the weather and rocking chair.
Teagan helping out feeding Ashlyn. What a great big brother.
My favorite flower clip I made for Ashlyn. I love it with the brown headband.
Made these flower clips for Ashlyn. What do you think?
Rayle and Ashlyn looking at each other. So CUTE!