Friday, November 28, 2008
Turkey Day
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Where is my life jacket?
And a side note it is not raining anymore, our one day of moisture is gone for the moment.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
We been up to a lot!
On November 11th we went to the Mesa Veterans Parade. The boys had so much fun. We even had to leave early since it was so long and we were getting hungry. The Coolidge parades last oh about 5 minutes so it was fun to go to this one.
The boys play outside almost everyday, it is so nice right now. Teagan rides his scooter and Rayle is crazy on his push toy.
Rayle is so fun. Here is a video of him singing. I hope you can hear it.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Tagged What are my quirks?
1. When I writing an e-mail not matter who it is too I have to spell check it. I reread it like 3 times before I send it out. I hate looking dumb and I type fast so I misspell words a lot. Even on C$ if I make a long post that I am unsure about I will copy it to Microsoft and spell check it there. I wish C$ would put spell check on the MB for posting. That would be great. Since I have been in school we have Discussion Questions each week and I have gotten lazy with the rereading part, but you can pick to have spell check pop up and I have it set. So I am good in the spell check realm. (Just checked you bet!)
2. I have always loved going to check the mail. When I was younger I had to beg to be able to go and get the mail. I just love seeing what is in there. Now that I am older, I still enjoy it but what's in there? Bills and junk!!!!! E-mails are nice but let's keep the U.S. Postal Service in business people!
3. I love answering the phone just like going to get the mail, you never know who that 1-888 number could be. Now we of course have Caller ID and I can see who is calling but it does not always say a name. Brian hates to answer the phone if there is no name. It DRIVES ME CRAZY that he will not pick up the phone. So if I am home and you call unless I am in the bathroom I am running to that phone.
4. Bag Balm. Okay I am no cow but I love this stuff! I generally have soft skin but in the winter my hands crack. What I do is get a glob of Bag Balm and smear it all over my hands and then I have Brian put sock over it so it does not get every where. He hates to help me because sometimes it gets on him. Hey honey it is only a few months out of the year.
5. Candy deals got love my Snickers! Okay the big candy holiday was last month and I have some much candy left over. We went to CVS on Wed. and I looked at the candy clearance and Brian said no way. We have like 8 bags that have not even been opened yet. Better join a gym quick.
6. Items that are free with a coupon. I LOVE going shopping. I LOVE getting items for free with a coupon. It is such a great feeling to walk out of a store with a bag full of stuff and not spend money except for tax. Colgate is Free this week, do I need it? No I have 15 tubes of toothpaste. I did take it off my list because I need transactions of 30 and I had my 60 items for a run for two times. But hey I donate a lot so it is all good. When you shop and the most expensive item costs $0.50 then you have a good thing going for you!!!!!!
7. How I "clean" the kitchen. I HATE to clean I know that I need to do it but I hate it. So Brian pointed out that the way I clean the kitchen is not up to par with his standards or the rest of the worlds I guess. When I clean the kitchen I do the dishes, and wipe down the counters. This is not good enough because I need to clean the sink, the floor, and the table. Why??? I have two small kiddos it will just get dirty in 2 minutes anyways. I know I need to clean more often, but I would rather spend my time doing something else. I need to get a maid.
Brian got on a roll! Thanks honey for reminding me of just how crazy I can be.
I tag:
Melissa M.
Diana C.
Missy S.
Jessica L.
Ladies just list some quirks about yourself and let me know that you did it so I can come and read about your craziness. I did 7 but you can do as many as you want!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
October, What a month!!!!
The lighting was HORRIBLE! I have no idea why they had such crappy lighting. What did they expect 10 people to show up. Oh Well!
The next weekend Teagan was in his first Primary program which I posted about already. That was a fun weekend. Thanks to all the family that drove out to share it with us. Still wish I could have watched it!
We found out some great news after about 5 months.
The next week found out some crappy news!:( What can you do?
All that weight gain for nothing!!! I gained 12 pounds so now I need to get rid of it before we get prego again. Crakers and water here I come.
On the 25th we were going to have our Ward Trunk or Treat but it got changed because of a school conflict (still kinda mad about that since I had scheduled that date in Feb.) So we came out to Mesa and went to my mom's church carnival. Teagan had fun and Rayle if we had stayed longer may have warmed up.
Of course we celebrated Halloween too. On Thursday we went to our ward Trunk or Treat so the boys could have one more time with their friends. Then on Halloween we stayed here in Mesa and went. I used the wagon to pull them and their candy around, what a nice mom.
At the Ward Trunk or Treat. Rayle you need to lighten up some!