Thursday, February 26, 2009


So I posted earlier about Rayle and potty training. That kid definitely does things in his own way. He is doing really well. We ask him if he needs to go, and he tells us "no don't need to go" and then a few minutes later he announces "I go pee pee". Yesterday he was in underwear for most of the day with no accidents. He went number 2 in the diaper before the underwear. But other than that one time he went into the bathroom each time. He is so excited about going and I think he will keep it up. We are so proud of him because we really need a diaper break here for awhile. Think about it, I have been changing diapers for almost 5 YEARS now. Holy cow that's a lot of diapers. So like I said Rayle does things his way, here is how he goes pee. He can't even take off his sock to go?? He wears socks like gloves about every day. Teagan did this too, but was not as stubborn about it and the phase did not last as long.

Too cute. He has good aim I guess. I have no idea why he squats.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Melissa this one is for you...

So we have some friends in CA, and Melissa loves seeing pregnant bellies. Okay I thought mine was fine when I was pregnant with Teagan and Rayle, but now with pregnant belly number 4 I don't think so. (I gained eek like 20 pounds with the miscarriage) so my belly is not top notch like it was in the past. So there is no skin showing, and I will try to post a weekly pic of my growing belly at the bottom on the blog, but here is the first one at 13 weeks...

Yeah so this is not me but I had to post something. Mine is at the bottom. I will try to wear the same shirt each time so you can really see the difference.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Potty Training...I think

So Rayle is about 5 months away from being 3. I have not dared try to potty train him because like Teagan, he has no interest. Why push them, when they are ready then they will make the decision. So lately Rayle has been taking off his diaper and going into the bathroom and going potty. He has done it a few times, again with no pushing from us. He goes and we praise him. Well last night we get home and he announces he is poopy, but actually he had gone in the toilet. He was so proud of himself, with a big smile on his face. Today he announced again he need to go poopy and he made it half way. Some was in the diaper and he finished up on the toilet. Teagan was 3 1/2 when he finally got sick of diapers so if Rayle continues and is potty trained before he is 3 I will be thrilled. I can start buying newborn diapers and stock up which I will do anyways, but to only have to buy one set of diapers would be nice. So we are not pushing and letting him do it on his own, I love this route because then I don't get stressed. So we will have to wait and see. Besides he looks so stinken cute in his undies!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

It's been 5 years and I still miss you

So today is February 16th and it's President's Day. Five years ago today my Father died. It was totally sudden and not expected. He died while working out in the early morning. It does not seem real even today. I feel that he is just gone somewhere never to return. I still have a really hard time about it. Teagan was going to be his first grandchild and was three months from being born. I think that is the one of the hardest things to think about. He was so excited about becoming a grandpa. My dad was the one with all the answers to my questions. I have so many and no one to ask them too. It is really hard. I miss him so much. My sister and I were talking about this today, you know when your parents start to see you as a person instead of always being just a child, where you have a totally different relationship with them then when you were a kid. That is how it was and it had just started. I had just turned 23 exactly the week before. I am not big on the month of February anymore, I actually hate it now. Anyways, so many wonderful things happened right before he passed and when thinking about it, it is amazing. Brian had made the decision to become a member of the church and my dad baptized him on January 3, 2004. Also my dad's sister came out from FL for a family visit. They have 6 children, so it was not often that the entire family came out. We had such a fun time with all the family together. My dad even sang karaoke at our house, which we had been begging for years for that to happen. There were so many things that we did out of the ordinary when they were here and it was so special. I was also lucky enough to work with my dad for almost 3 years at Eagle's Aerie. I got to see him every day at work, and it was so much fun, I really loved seeing him. Of course like any child there were times that I didn't like my dad because he was doing what was best for me. I understood why at the time, and I appreciate all that he did for me. He was such a great man. I swear at his viewing, the lines were out the door and wrapped around the building. So many people came, I was dumb and stood like the entire time. The funeral was at our family Ward building but we should have done it at the Stake Center, it was so packed. Again so many people came out to pay their respect. I know my dad touched many and even though he was only 52 when he passed he had had a great and fulfiling life. I was daddy's helper, and wanted to be with him always. Now I just have to wait and I will have the chance again one day. Dad I miss you tons and love you always!!
We had just gotten our first digital camera right before he died so I don't have too many pictures of him, actually just Brian's baptism. The rest of his pictures are in storage, but I found a few.
Family trip to the Grand Canyon in 1985. I know nice glasses this family sports!
At Eagle's Aerie School hike I think in 2001/2002 school year.My dad squeezing through.Dad baptizing Brian.
Going in for the dunk.
This was before we started.

So today on the 5th anniversary, we went up to Tortilla Flats and spread my dad's ashes. It was really hard. So he is up there in nature where he loved to be most, especially when we were all with him. The wind was not exactly perfect, I brought home a little dad on my clothes but that's okay. Here are a few pictures. I wish the FL family could have been here, that would have been great, but oh well.

My cousin Jen and Me, my sister Candy, Teagan, Rayle and my brother Chad.

Walking up the trail.

Teagan on top of the rock.Cute pic of Brian and Rayle.

Teagan and cousin JenRayle eating, yum!Saying some last few words.Candy and Gail embracing.Gail letting my dad go.The wind picked up and there he goes.

The canyon where my dad now flies.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Late Twenties...

I am there...well tomorrow I will be. You know as you get older you don't say your age just the age group like mid-twenties. Now I have reached my late twenties. I don't include 27 in the late group that was still mid. Now I am 2 YEARS away from being...30! Holy cow my life feels like it is at running speed. But I am enjoying it to the fullest. So the 9th is officially my b-day but I got my presents early this year. Brian took my to see The Lion King yesterday and it was AMAZING!!! I have always loved the movie, one of my top five Disney movies. When I was living at home and could not get to sleep I would go out to the family room and turn it on. I usually crashed at I can't wait to be king. I love it. So I have wanted to see the Broadway version for like 5 years now, and I got too! IT WAS SO FUN!!! I loved it. My favorite scenes were "Be Prepared" when Scar has come up with killing Mufasa and Simba. The hyenas were really good. Then Rafiki during the entire play was so good. The woman that played the part was awesome! She did so good and really made the play. One other favorite scene was "He lives in you" it was so touching. I love this play! Brian had never been to a play and he even enjoyed it. After dinner we went to one of my fav restaurants, Gecko Grill. (LOVE THIS PLACE) It was a wonderful evening. This morning, there was more to my birthday. Teagan brought me a bag at breakfast and said Happy Birthday mom. Brian had a t-shirt printed of him and the boys. On the top it says My Favorite Boys. It is so cute. I love it. So I have had a wonderful Birthday weekend and it is still not my birthday yet. Tonight we are having a family dinner and eating... Indian Fried Bread. My all time favorite meal. I love it. For dessert an ice cream cake from DQ. I hope this next year in my life is half of what my birthday celebration has been. Thanks Brian for making it so SPECIAL!! I love you!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

First Born Questionnaire

I saw this on Allie Browns blog and thought it was fun so I wanted to do it too. I tag everyone with kids too.

1. WAS YOUR FIRST PREGNANCY PLANNED? Yes we had been trying for a few months and then (I actually remember the day) September 6th 2003 we found out!

2. WERE YOU MARRIED AT THE TIME? Yes we had been married for a year and 4 months.

3. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? I was so excited, I wanted children right after we got married but Brian wanted to wait awhile.

4. HOW OLD WERE YOU? 22 when I got pregnant and 23 after the baby was born.

5. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT YOU WERE PREGNANT? Well the obvious was that Aunt Flo was late so I went and got a test. I wanted to do something fun and share it with Brian in some crazy way but he walked in and looked at it. He came and told me and I am like I know I wanted to think of something cute to say but I can't! Prego brain had already set in.

6. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? Brian was the first to know and then we called some friends down the street and then my sister. However when we told my dad he was so excited, smiling from ear to ear. He was going to be a grandpa!

7. DID YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE SEX? No I did not want to know, since everything else is not surprising anymore. I loved not knowing. It was so much fun. I wanted a boy and felt like that is what I was having, but others convinced me I was having a girl.

8. DUE DATE? May 7, 2004.

9. DID YOU HAVE MORNING SICKNESS? I had a little but not much, I remember being so tired. I would be at work and lay my head down during class and the kids were so great and they would just do their assignments.

10. WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? I loved McDonald's french fries, Taco Bell Nachos, and Thrifty's ice cream. I pigged out!!

11. WHO/WHAT IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? EVERYTHING! I was SO moody. My hormones were on the top of my sleeve and I snapped pretty quick. I am still bad, but feel that I have gotten better. Smells that bothered me were coffee beans and anything fishy.

13. DID YOU WISH YOU HAD THE OPPOSITE SEX OF WHAT YOU WERE GETTING? Nope I totally wanted a boy first and I was SO EXCITED when I saw it was a boy. I was so happy!!

14. HOW MANY POUNDS DID YOU GAIN? More than I should have...40 pounds. I know baby #3 will top that and more though.

15. DID YOU HAVE A BABY SHOWER? Yes it was HUGE! So many people came, like 50. It was guys and girls and so much fun. We had it outside in the park behind our house. My mom, sister, cousin, and Aunt helped through it.

16. WAS IT A SURPRISE OR DID YOU KNOW? I did not know for 9 long months!!

17. DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? Yes at 30 weeks while at church I went into preterm labor. I was just going to go home a lay down but a friend said nope your in labor go to the Hospital, good thing because I was 3 cm and like 50%. The tributalen (sp) did not work so I had the Magnesium Sulfate (HORRIBLE STUFF). I was on that for a day, it made me so sick. I think I went home on Wednesday. So I was in the hospital for over 3 days. Thankfully they stopped the labor and I was on icky bed rest for awhile. Hated that.

18. WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? I gave birth in the same hospital where I was born Banner Desert.

19. HOW MANY HOURS WERE YOU IN LABOR? Okay I was DUMB and took Castor Oil (NEVER TAKE IT!) So at 10 am I downed the awful stuff and by 3:30 was in labor. I gave birth at 11:23 p.m. So almost 8 hours. Pretty short for a first. Also regarding the Castor Oil it only will work if you are ready to give birth in the next few days anyway, so if I had waited I still would have gone into labor myself. Also it got into his lungs and he was not breathing...scary but I was on such a high from just giving birth I did not notice.

20. WHO DROVE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL? My hubby, and yes we were low on gas. Before we got in the car I said oh yeah we have time to stop for gas. On the way there I said no way get there fast!!!

21. WHO WATCHED YOU GIVE BIRTH? Dr. Leu, a few nurses, Brian, my mom, and my sister Candy. It was nice to have support there.

22. WAS IT NATURAL OR C-SECTION? It was natural with 1 1/2 hours of pushing. They told me I need to deliver or I would need a C-Section because he was having problems on the monitor. I made it though before the 2 hour mark when they would give me the C.

23. DID YOU TAKE MEDICINE TO EASE THE PAIN? I did not want to at all. However the Castor Oil really took a toil on me and I gave up at 8 cm, so close. I could not feel a thing so that is why I pushed so long. #2 I pushed 8 minutes!

24. HOW MUCH DID YOUR CHILD WEIGH? 6lbs 6oz so small and tiny.

25. WHEN WAS YOUR CHILD ACTUALLY BORN? May 5, 2004 Cinco de Mayo!! He came two days early.

26. WHAT DID YOU NAME YOUR CHILD? We decided on Teagan Clifford Gibson. Teagan we heard and just loved it. Boy or girl is was going to be Teagan. Clifford was after my dad. We had decided not to do any family names, but after my dad passed away I felt that I need too. We did not want family to get upset and question why is my name not included. Thankfully because of the situation no one had a problem. He looks like my dad too.

27. HOW DID THE FATHER REACT TO THE NEW BABY? Brian was SO excited. He was so happy and did great for the whole delivery.

28. DID YOU EXPERIENCE ANY POST-PARTUM DEPRESSION OR BABY BLUES? I had no problems at all and the same went for #2. Now #3 I think I may but Rayle will be the cause of it not the baby. AAAAAAAAAAAAA the boy drives me crazy sometimes!

29. BREAST OR BOTTLE? I breast feed and LOVED IT! I actually went until he was 15 months. I enjoyed being able to supply for my baby.

30. HOW OLD IS YOUR FIRST-BORN TODAY? He is 4 years and in 3 months yesterday will be 5. It went so fast!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So we have wanted to put Teagan in Preschool, but have not had the chance. Brian is working again so we decided to try and find one. I looked on Craig's List last night and found one in Mesa. I called and she still had some availability. So today I took him in a little early and we met his teacher. Teagan did REALLY good. He said that he had a lot of fun, and the most memorable thing was playing with toys! Typical :0) I stayed for about 45 minutes and he did well. I hope he can continue to do well and I hope he has fun for the most part.