Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Ashlyn is growing quickly and I can not believe she is almost 10 months. Today I took her to the doctor for her 9 month check up. We were a bit behind because when I scheduled the appointment I wanted to make it around Rayle's birthday so that I did not have a Teagan visit at the beginning of May, and an Ashlyn visit at the end of May, and to wrap it up a Rayle visit in mid June. So originally Ashlyn was going to go with Rayle and have her 9 month Well Check last week. However she had been sick with an ear infection so I changed it to a sick visit to make sure she was getting better as she had been running a fever off and on. Well things changed last Wednesday when she helped with dinner and burning her little hand. I had just finished dinner and was taking some of it to a family in our ward and Ashlyn put her little hands on the boiler drawer. It was NOT good. I took her to Urgent Care and thankfully though her burn is bad it could have been worse. It was a 2nd degree and thankfully did not burn over her crease where the knuckles are. Had she burned this part we would have had to go to the burn unit at Maricopa Hospital. <-----Had to go there with Teagan he put his had in the vacuum and burned it. NOT FUN AT ALL!!!! So anyways today I took Ashlyn to get her vaccines and be weighed and measured. Last week on my Aunt's blog I read how she was adding baby formula to the baby food to increase her baby's weight. Well I have light weights so I started doing this too. Just from Thursday to today she put on 5 oz. I made sure I let them know and the PA we see said whatever works. I still have a lightweight but she is getting bigger:)

Ashlyn's stats:
Weight 16.3lbs (7%)
Height 27" (25%)

Ashlyn is so much fun. I really love having a girl around and she is very funny. She will definitely let you know if she is mad at something that you are doing by a squeal or a scream. Yesterday at the Summer Movies we go to at Harkins we were watching The Squeakal and it was funny she did not pay any attention to the entire movie but when the song All the Single Ladies came on she stopped and watched this part. TOO FUNNY. We sing this to her but change the words to all the single babies. Ashlyn is crawling up on her knees and she is quit fast. The boys forget to close the basement door and that would be a VERY bad and scary fall. We rush over and scoop her up. She can pull herself up but does not cruise very well yet. She has been clapping her hands for a few months now and I love when babies crawl and then go to a sitting position. I think that is just so CUTE! She has two teeth and there are more on the way, I am actually a bit surprised that a few have not cut through since you can see them and how they want to come done. She loves playing with her brothers toys and sticks EVERYTHING in her mouth. She is a great eater and loves her veggies and fruit. She notices other babies and will try to play with them. She has a real bad case of stranger fear and when we go to the store people always want to talk to her but she starts crying and screams. I hope she grows out of this soon. Ashlyn is so much fun, and I know as she grows and gets older it will be even more fun!
Her little right hand wrapped up after her burn :(

Playing at the Splash Pad.

Sitting like a big girl

Crawling up on her knees

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Birthday RAYLE

Today Rayle came into our lives 4 years ago. (How is my life just whizzing by??) Rayle is so fun and energetic to say the least. Today he woke up I am sure before the sun came up, I don't know I was SLEEPING. He dressed into his SpiderMan costume and came and woke me up and informed me that today was the day and it was his birthday. Really I didn't know that, I was not there or anything. He is too funny. He can be so serious one minute, and then says something so off the wall that will make us laugh. Since Teagan's birthday in May, Rayle has been so excited about his birthday. Just about every day he would ask if it was June 17th. My my he is a determined little one. Just special for his birthday treat he went to the doctor and got his vaccines. (4 shots total) I know, mean mommy, but now it's over and he does not need them for another 3 years.

A little about Rayle at age 4:
His weight is 30.6 lbs (10%)
His height is 38" (11%) <---YEAH better than last years 10%

He LOVES superheros including SpiderMan, Wolverine, Black SpiderMan, and Buzz Lightyear. He is a great eater, and loves pretty much everything we prepare for him. He loves watching movies and knows more about SpiderMan then most adults do probably. He is very smart but it is PULLING teeth to get it out of him. Thankfully he is willing to give that info to his preschool teacher. Rayle LOVES his sister Ashlyn. Rayle loves playing with Teagan, but they do fight quite often. A little competion never hurt anyone...well not too much anyways. Rayle loves playing with legos, dressing up in costumes, playing with action hero's, and just making MESSES every where he goes. Rayle is so fun and I was looking at a book that I made up when he was 1. Back then he was just showing a little of his personality and one thing has not changed Rayle has two volumes LOUD and LOUDER! Even though you make us want to plug our ears we love you Rayle and we are so happy to have you in our lives!

2010 2009 (This picture shows the TRUE Rayle. He is SpiderMan but still LOVES his Buzz) 2008 2007 (Wow Ashlyn and Rayle look SO alike) 2006

P.S. Rayle has been 4 for just a few days now, and he is already looking forward to turning 5! I can't believe this kid. He is so funny. Rayle you are already growing up too quickly, please stay little and enjoy being a child for as long as you can. (But don't think you can stay living in our basement until your 30 now that's being a child for too long!)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Schools Out for SUMMER

Did you sing the song? I did! :) I can not believe that my oldest child is DONE with his very first year of school. How did it go by so quickly? Teagan did really well this year. He was on the Honor Roll each quarter. I was able to go to the Awards Assembly and watch him get his metal. He was very excited to receive it. The pictures did not come out that I tried to take though. :( Rayle finished up preschool and he is ready for summer. He will go next year for three days a week. He has learned so much and we are so proud of him. Ashlyn is still doing her crawling like a worm thing. She gets up on her knees but she is faster on her stomach so that is what she prefers. She now has two teeth popped through and she is so wonderful. Okay not really she is a GROUCH! But I still love her. I was able to go on a field trip with Teagan this year. It was hard because Ashlyn is so young. We went to Stuffington Bear Factory. It is in Phoenix and they make the bears and other stuffed animals right there in the factory. They also make the clothes. Teagan had so much fun and it was great to get to go. He also had a fun water day at school and they had a 40 ft. water slide. He went down twice and loved it. The reason why he did not go more was the line was too long, he said. On Memorial Day we kicked off our Summer Movies at Harkins and saw Charlotte's Web. Rayle hid his face the ENTIRE movie because he is scared of spiders. Not sure when that happened. Funny boy, he can watch scary movies but a children's movie with a fake spider no way. He told Brian's mom and he is not scared of vampires only real things! So funny!! Other news Brian has been working for about 3 weeks with the Railroad. We know it will not last long but we are glad he is getting some work. He is under the radar since they are still cutting back jobs and he really should not be working, but we will take it. He has not worked a full month since October of 2008! WOW. Well that is the happenings in the Gibson's home right now. Hope the summer treats everyone well, and the heat (the HOT HOT heat that is) stays away for a little longer! I will post pics later :)