Monday, June 29, 2009

Why is pregnancy so uncomfortable?

Maybe it is just me, I don't know. I know I have a small frame and I am sure that compounds the problem, but this child is in my ribs ALL DAY!!! I have nine weeks of this left and I seriously don't think I can make it! At work today some women told me I only have 6 1/2 weeks left. I would be okay with that. I would be done with summer school and my online course. Also it would be the week before Teagan starts kindergarten. Another thing is it lines up with my mom's birthday so she would be so HAPPY. We will have to see. I know that it will be sooner than later with me being so busy working, and going to school. Can't wait for it to all be DONE. Sorry about the whine feast, just need to let it out some where. :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rayle is 3

Yesterday June 17th Mr. Rayle turned 3 years old. Where has the time gone?? I was thinking man I have a 5 and 3 yr old. It seems crazy! Rayle has been so excited about his birthday. He doe not quite get time yet but understood that yesterday was his special day. Rayle is so much fun. He says some weird, crazy, and funny things. He is always in a great mood in the morning when he wakes up, and that is nice. He loves Lightening McQueen and has oh about a billion cars. If we let him watch Cars on repeat all day he would sit there and watch it. He LOVES that movie. What is funny I took Teagan to see it on June 16, 2006 in the theater. Well Rayle was born on the 17th. Maybe there is a connection there since he was so close to being born. Rayle also loves Buzz Lightyear, and was his number one until recently when McQueen took the spot. He still loves Buzz very much though. Rayle is excited about becoming a big brother, he just wishes that I am having a boy instead of a girl. He will start preschool in August for a few days a week, and I know he will enjoy it and learn quickly. He is completely potty trained and wearing underwear 24 hours a day. No pull-ups in this house for my big boy! I am so proud of him and he really is a joy. Here are some pictures of Rayle over the last 3 years.
Rayle's birth June 17, 2006 3:59 pm
Our family of Four
Rayle less than 1 monthYum dinner timeRayle, Daddy, and Teagan hanging out.Rayle's first Halloween.Rayle playing in the sprinklers in CoolidgeRayle and his Cozy Coupe Mommy and RayleRayle loves to wear gloves!May 2008 family picture

On Saturday we had Rayle's party. It was low key but a good time. I am really proud of the cake. What do you think? Generally I buy cakes but with a tight budget forget it. I think this year has given me the confidence to make the cakes from now on. Yesterday we went out and had Red Robin cheap... Brian had a coupon for a free dinner and so did Rayle. The boys always share because they never finish a meal. So drinks and my meal plus tip was all we had to worry about. Got love coupons!! Here are some pics from Rayle's party.

Red Velvet Lightening McQueen cake.

Here he is all frosted. Why do they not make black frosting? Oh well.

Rayle hanging out on the hammock.

Rayle blowing out his candle.Not the greatest picture but he drug the McQueen car under the table so he could get a better look without others crowding him. He ripped that baby right open!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

JUNE 12th

June 12th my honey turned 29. One more year, and it's all down hill from there! j/k! This year I felt really bad because well we have no money. What could I do for Brian? Well about a week before I got a call from my sister. She said, hey you guys want to go to a D-back game? I was like sure, since we only went to a spring training game this year. So the game was for Friday, June 12th. I asked Brian if he wanted to go to the game for his birthday. He said that was cool and it would be fun. Brian's aunt offered to watch Teagan and Rayle, and they spent the night there too. That was so nice! For dinner we hit Alice Coopers. They have really good food! Well the tickets we had were AWESOME. We were five rows behind home base just to the right between the plate and visitors dugout. The net stopped like the seat next to us, and thankfully there were no crazy foul balls we had to deal with. It was a GREAT game. There were at least 5 broken bats, and I think 3 home runs. The D-backs brought a win of 8-1. After the game there were fireworks. Baby... was going crazy as they were going off. That was kind of fun to feel. After we went back to my sister's and played Guestures. Candy and I played against Brian and Candy's friend Brett. However the boys could not keep up with us!! Brian, I hope you enjoyed your birthday a little. I know that this year has not been the greatest for us so far, but it can't last forever. Next year will be better, even if I have to sell an organ or something, we will do something BIG!!!!

Here are some snaps from the game, also I did not zoom in on some of these:
Brian smashing the players! I thought this picture was funny!!!
One of the runners SAFE at home plate!
Brian and me.
Candy, Brian, and I.
Here is all of us: Candy, Me, Brian's head, and Brett.
The D-backs congratulating each other.
The fireworks!

Finishing up May's craziness

On May 22nd my Grandmother Hummer turned 80. We have been in the works since February for her big party. I have a cousin that lives in New York, and my aunt, my grandma's daughter lives in Florida. Also one of my sisters came out from PA. All Grandma knew was that her sister was coming out for a week and it happened to be around her birthday. On Thursday night my cousin flew in from NY, and Friday morning she came over to surprise my Grandma with a birthday gift. My Grandma was SO surprised. She had no idea that my cousin was coming in for the weekend. Later that night my aunt and her youngest son flew in from FL. Again on Saturday morning my Grandma got a surprise. It was fun, I guess my Grandmother had talked to my aunt on Friday while she is at the airport waiting to fly here. It was so fun. My Grandma was so excited. My uncle came down from Payson and so my Grandma had quite a few members of her family here. Well on Saturday night we surprised her with her actual party. It was great because the party was at my sister's and my Great Aunt had never been there so it was a perfect rouse to get them there without her knowing. My Grandmother is so special and I am so grateful for her. She has done SO MUCH for me and my family in the last few months. Also through out my life she has just GIVEN AND GIVEN. She took my siblings and I and my cousin to so many places during the summers. We have driven cross country to PA and to FL more than once. They had a place in Payson until I was 15 and we practically lived there during the summers. She is very generous and I hope that someday that I can be half of what she is. And she has done all this in her late 60's, and 70's to boot. She just goes and goes and sometimes does not know when to quite. Right now she is in FL helping my aunt deal with her divorce, and then she is going to Kansas City to help a friend after her surgery. She comes home on June 28th. I don't know where she gets her energy. In September she is off to Hawaii to my cousins wedding. She is all go and it makes me tired just thinking about it. My Grandmother has three children, my dad was her first born Clifford, my Uncle Tim, and my Aunt Lily. She has 10 grandchildren: Chad, Jenifer, Me, Candy, Kai, Karli, Jamie, Sam, Molly, and Adam. She also has two and half great-grandchildren: Teagan, Rayle, and girl Gibson. Grandma I love you and I don't know what I will do when your time comes, I want her to live to be 100, but she told me no way! I didn't get too many pictures, and the ones I copied from facebook looked bad when I tried to enlarge them. Here are just a few.
Even Tank joined in the swimming fun.
Teagan swimming, he would not get out of the pool that day!
Cousin Jenifer soaking up the AZ sunshine.
My Grandma, her friend Heather, and my Great Aunt Toots.
My crazy Uncle Tim

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fish'in with the Boys

Two weekends ago myself (Dad) and Grandpa Jon decided we needed to get out and take the Boys fishing. We went to Willow Springs the 1st day where Teagan caught a small Bass within 15 minutes of being there. The 2nd day we headed towards Heber and went to Black Canyon Lake where we all caught something. Grandpa Jon had a hard time keeping his reel together and Teagan perfected his casting. Here's some pics of our adventure.

Teagan's First Bass
Rayle catching a Trout
Teagan and Grandpa Jon
Rayle posing
Oh no Grandpa fishing for his reel Ah saved it from the bottom of the lake
Teagan and Rayle fishing
Teagan waiting to catch that "big" one
Brothers, ah so cute!
Brothers hanging out in the rain, glad they took jackets.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Diapers, we don't need no stinkin diapers!

Rayle will be three in about 10 days and he is now DIAPER FREE!!! He has been trained for over a month, but I did not want to post anything unless he lapsed. He wears pull-ups at night but really does not even need them. He had 1 night where he went in his pull-up and he was so upset about it. He wakes up every morning dry and when the pull-ups run out we will have not be buying anymore. I am so grateful for this little break before baby #3 makes her way into the world. Even there I am really considering using cloth diapers. If anyone has some good ideas or pros and cons to cloth diapers let me know. I heard about ones that grow with the baby so you don't have to keep buying them in bigger sizes. That is a wonderful idea of just one large cost up front. Also ideas on washing them, because a diaper service is not in our financial realm right now.
Most importantly, I am so glad Rayle is potty trained!!