I am so glad this month is over. It has been long! We have done a lot and it feels like we can rest now a bit before the next Holiday rush. To begin the month on the 4th and the 5th we went to Brian's cousins wedding. It was so beautiful. It was in Scottsdale at the Valley Ho Hotel. It threatened to rain but all we got was some sprinkles. The weeding was outside on the lawn and the reception was on the top of the hotel. It was lovely. We were even graced by a rainbow before it got dark.

Congrats Katie and David

On the 5th they had a brunch and we were able to bring the boys. I think I gained 10 pounds just in that weekend. The food was so good!!! It was fun to see everyone relaxed and wish the newly weds happiness on their honeymoon.

Teagan and Rayle relaxing at the brunch.
The next weekend Brian had his 10th High School Reunion. (Wow he's old! j/k) It was at Dave and Busters on the other edge of the world. It was fun for Brian to see old friends and I had fun eating. (more food more weight!) After they decided to go bowling. It was about 1:30 am when we left. Rayle had gone to Urgent Care that day because of some bug bite that had gotten infected so we found a 24 hour CVS and filled his RX. It was fun wandering the store that late at night. It has been awhile since we were both up that late and out of the house. We got to my Mom's around 2:30 am. The next day my sister was in a triathlon but we were too tired to go. Sorry sis. I heard she did well though.
The lighting was HORRIBLE! I have no idea why they had such crappy lighting. What did they expect 10 people to show up. Oh Well!
The next weekend Teagan was in his first Primary program which I posted about already. That was a fun weekend. Thanks to all the family that drove out to share it with us. Still wish I could have watched it!
We found out some great news after about 5 months.
The next week found out some crappy news!:( What can you do?
All that weight gain for nothing!!! I gained 12 pounds so now I need to get rid of it before we get prego again. Crakers and water here I come.
On the 25th we were going to have our Ward Trunk or Treat but it got changed because of a school conflict (still kinda mad about that since I had scheduled that date in Feb.) So we came out to Mesa and went to my mom's church carnival. Teagan had fun and Rayle if we had stayed longer may have warmed up.

During this entire month we had been on the search for a new home. We found some but every time it fell through. So we decided that the best thing was to move in with my Grandma (3 out of 5 cousins living on their own had so it was my turn.) We rented a storage unit (we have a LOT of junk) and started packing up. Brian and I are living in her studio apartment in the back and the boys share a room in the house. So far it has been nice to be close to the real world. We still need to move over everything to storage, but plan to do that this week. I plan to work part time at the schools in Coolidge and continue to go to school full time. Oh yeah just finished another block of classes. I planned that one well, let's move during my last week of the block. I got a 78% on my math final pretty happy with that since it has been a few years since I took math seriously! So I hope November will treat us nice, and maybe in a few more months we will have some good news again. Can't wait for the HOT summer months!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGG!! Where is the pool is all I can say. I should be able to float well!
Of course we celebrated Halloween too. On Thursday we went to our ward Trunk or Treat so the boys could have one more time with their friends. Then on Halloween we stayed here in Mesa and went. I used the wagon to pull them and their candy around, what a nice mom.

At the Ward Trunk or Treat. Rayle you need to lighten up some!

At my Grandma's before going out. Rayle wanted the light saver and was having a fit about it. It is now on top of the entertainment center. I hope I don't forget about it.
You guys had a very busy month! I hope you are able to relax this next month, or at least for a couple of weeks before the holiday.
Looks like you guys have been up to alot of fun, and busy-ness too!
Oh, let me know about the google group info. Call or email me anytime :-)
Have a good week. Hope things are going well at grandmas :-P
Wow you have been busy. I love seeing all the pictures of the kids, Teagan's hair is great. I am glad to hear you are trying for that girl, lol!! Sorry to hear about some of the bad news going on last month but it seems like everything is working out. I miss ya's. We need to talk soon.
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