Monday, January 30, 2012

Blasting Zone No More

On Saturday Brian and I finished up the room of disaster...the boys room. Its nice to walk in there and not step on anything, and it will stay that way this time. We have tried a latch at the top of the closet doors, but they figured that one easily so we went hard core! Brian was able to build some shelves where the dressers had once been. Now there is storage for their bins of toys.

We plan on repainting the room soon but here are some grainy pictures of the room now!
Yep a padlock and already they are wanting to figure out the code, but we don't think so!!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sock it too em

Last week I came across a video that used socks to curl hair. I thought well hey we have a little girl, and there are plenty of socks in the this house so why not try it out. I used 5 socks and put them into Ashlyn's hair the night before and then she slept all night. It was fun to see what the curls would look like the next day!!

Ashlyn posing in her curls.
Back view
Brothers needed to be involved with their pretty little sister

P.S. this was last week, and I totally did her hair again last night so she is again sporting some sock curls, now the kicker, SHE IS WEARING THE EXACT SAME OUTFIT TODAY!!!! Just noticed that as I was typing up the blog. Too funny!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Teagan's Second Grade Performance

Last Friday was Teagan's school performance. I love those things! The boys have been singing their songs and I will catch them and get a little sneak peak. Teagan did really well, and when I asked him why he didn't sing that well at his Primary Program he said well those songs are boring. Wonderful! Anyways Teagan looked awesome as he wanted to wear his suit and he was probably the most dressed up but that's okay. He didn't care and you could tell he was enjoying his time on stage. Through the entire program, Ashlyn made sure to let everyone know she was there as she waved and called out "Hi Tea-Tea, Hi!" THE ENTIRE 30 MINUTES! Gotta love little admirer sisters!?!?!
Our little Snow White
Teagan showing off
Singing Away
Before the program
My handsome son!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bridal Bliss~The Shower

Okay so here are some pictures from when guest had arrived. We played a few games and had some laughs. It was nice to spend some time with my sister and see some family and friends. Some of the gift favors that I did were all the hats and headbands that everyone is wearing. I seriously LOVED them all. It took a long time, but totally worth the effort. Also I bought Jones soda that was clear in color, and then added a cute photo of Candy and Brian holding up their wedding date. Really loved it too. I was able to make the pom-poms not totally in love with them all but it was my first time making them. Also Ashlyn's party colors for the next ten years will be white, black, and pink. Seriously in love with those hanging lanterns!!!!

The only time Ashlyn would keep her hat on, and then she ripped it off. She was such a doll for the entire shower, and only became a beast when I was cleaning up!
Candyce with all the grandma's. Left to right: Grandma Hummer (our dad's mom), Candyce, Grandma Anderson (our mom's mom), and Grandma Emily (our step mom's mom but totally just grandma!)
Candyce with some gifts
Bridesmaids and Candyce and her dear friend that came out from FL with her.
My mom and Candyce and then Ashlyn had to be in the picture too.
Some friends and our Aunt Sharon and Grandma A.
Grandma's, Ashlyn, Gail, and Jen my brothers wife
Jackie, Candyce, and Fern who came out from FL
Stick a pose, Ashlyn put her hands on her hips so Candy followed! Too cute!!!
Totally fuzzy but a cute picture of Ashlyn giving Candy a kiss!

Bridal Bliss~Decor

Okay not my bridal bliss, but my little sister is tying the knot this year. Over the weekend she was able to come out and have some fun with friends and family before the big day. I was not able to attend the bachorlette party, but I did throw a shower on her behalf. I got too busy when setting up, I was unable to get pictures without people in them. I had wanted some pre-pictures, but oh well I will live with people in the photos. I am so thankfully that I was able to use my husband's aunt and uncles home. It was the perfect location and it was a nice event. I know I had a wonderful time and I hope that everyone attend did as well!!!

Living room decor
Goregous memory book for the wedding!!!
Another living room view
I made little hats and headbands for all the guests as party favors. Wish I had snapped a picture when the table was completely full.
Dining room table decor all the desserts were on this table.
Kitchen decor, all the main food was in the kitchen on the island and table.
Another view of the food.
Candy bar and Jones bottle favors. I put a photo of the bride and groom on the bottles.
Another bar view.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Little Country

I don't know about you, but this could be one seriously cute little cowgirl!  I really need to get her a hat, but then again her gorgeous locks would be covered, I really am torn!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Flash of Christmas

The boys woke up to Ashlyn getting presents from Santa but nothing left for them, horrible rotten little boys...or were they! Santa is a pretty sneaky guy at times and he hid some notes for them to follow in their stockings. We had church bright and early, okay yes 9 am is bright and early when you are up late the night before and hubby dear is working. So we got up and got ready for church. I think I let them open their gifts from us, but honestly now I can't remember. I think we did though. We went to Sacrament as that was the only hour on Sunday and came home to open up gifts and explore what Santa had left.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas Eve in Pictures

Every Christmas Eve is the Gibson Family Christmas event. It's fun to get together and have a nice evening. Grandma Betty always tried to incorporate musics and she has some wonderful helpers in that area!

Grandma Betty and Ashlyn
Rayle playing a mean tambourine.
Teagan showing off his gift.
Kids playing along with Grandma