Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Our boys are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! We got their report cards the other day and STRAIGHT A's again this quarter. Truly makes us so happy, I might even take them to Krispy Kreme for some donuts. (because they get up to 6 free donuts with any A's from Krispy Kreme LOL!) I hope they both continue on with their excellent academics, and they get their Honor Roll medals at the end of the year. So fun to see them learning and excelling. This week Rayle brought home his first Fluency Read. He reads a passage timed for one minute and we watch him read to make sure there are no mistakes and where he stops we mark it down. The first passage that he was given was a word count of 82. On Monday he finished the entire read and still had twenty seconds. I prompted him to continue and he scored 87 WPM. Today he got 112 WPM!!! That's AWESOME!! Teagan also does this daily and his passages are longer and he has not been under 100 WPM in a long time. It makes me so proud of them both! I am grateful that both of our boys seem to pick up on learning so naturally. I actually struggled through my primary grades so to see them doing so well I love it. I hope Ashlyn is the same way but I know she is not hitting some of her progression marks like both the boys did. We will have to wait and see with our little princess girl! Love my kids and love that we have them at a school that works for their smart little brains!!!

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