Friday, April 20, 2012

Sewing Much

I have been wanting to make something for awhile now, but there has been no drive to do so. I love being able to create something out of just fabric, thread, and an idea! However, I am not very skilled, like sewing in a straight line is not one of my perfected concepts, yet! But I still want to try and learn. So I have pinned oh about 80 different lovelies on my board... I don't have extra cash so some of those ideas will have to wait, but this shirt looked easy enough for me to muster through. I had fabric that I could part with if it was a fail. So this is what I whipped up today! HERE is the tutorial. 

And here is Ashlyn new little shirt! I am pretty happy with the outcome. What do you think???

 Ashlyn's opinion is she let me take these few pictures and then wanted it OFF. However that is how she is. I found here the other day with her Valentine dress I made her, that she wanted nothing to do with, on! One day she will come out of her room wearing this, I just know it!!!
 Yeah that's right I got ATTITUDE!!!
 Oh finally a smile!
And as you can see, I didn't wash and press the fabric before I started, WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT!!!

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